Sunday, March 22, 2009

sunday not sunny

hi its me...well today was a not so sunny day here! in fact cold and rainy then a teaser of sun!!!! well! so i had the kiddo and his friend overnight..we had breakfast then his gramma came to pick him up. soo me and the kiddo took off. i figured some fake sunlight was i went tanning. then we went to to mall..ugh! he is not the shopper!but i got some new perfumes YUMMY and qualified for -gift-with-purchases! yippee! so i scored some duffle bags. he even got some cologne samplers that he later told me smelled like sweat and lemon mixed! ewwwww.... then i trotted back to the little apartment and my..ANT problem-o! so off to the store i went to get ant-i-cides!!! yup. i bug bombed those little pests to kingdom come! i have had the crap texted out of me at bedtime so now i am AWAKE. and have class in the weee hours of the morning.....

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